Do You Blog for Money or Readership in 2025?

An open question for you is, “Do you blog for money or readership?

Well, I’m pretty sure the answers will vary on people’s tastes and interests.

Do You Blog for Money or Readership?

Do You Blog for Money or Readership
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Do You Blog for Money or Readership

Actually, both have powerful backgrounds that are enforcing us to do these.

Whatever you are doing is good, but however, there are some criteria behind it. You might ask what makes me realize them. So I’m gonna share my short story first.

Yesterday, I was checking out several blogs. Suddenly I noticed their intimate desires.

Some of them were focused on building a great blog community. On the other hand, some of them were just interested to add income through blogs. So which is the better one to consider?

It took me about two hours to think and come to a decision. Finally, I realized that readership is way better than just money. In fact, I have made some strong words that will help you believe in the true consequence.

Can’t wait for more? So am I. Here are the 3 must-know facts you should definitely know.

Money can’t buy you readers, but readers can

It’s the first truth, money can’t buy you, readers. But readers can make you hundreds and even thousands of bucks depending upon the possibilities.

Oh, God! How can I forget? Isn’t it really easy to buy visitors?

Just heading over to marketplaces like Fiverr, and Odesk will lead me to ***** visitors in just *** dollars.

No more pain, but a lot to gain, isn’t it?

But unfortunately, you should say you are buying nothing but some serious shit.

Actually, those can not be called readers, they are just temporary visitors.

It’s so easy to get visitors, but it’s quite hard to get a loyal blog reader. Money can’t buy human choice. So there is no chance that money can turn someone into a reader for long.

Contrarily, readers can be of great value.

They are the diesel of your money-making blog engine.

If they are fed up, you will get nothing. So the person who blogs for his readers can make them satisfied.

As a result, they will be happy to keep them engaged. If you lead some possibilities to make money from your blog, they will feel happy to join them.

Just to make sure, there are differences between visitors and readers.

Visitors will come and go, just making an addition to the total page view. But readers are those who come, read through, and repeat it the next day.

So there is a lot we can expect to earn from the reader.

Money doesn’t last long, but the reader does

Money comes to be spent, but readers are the substance that will stay longer and longer. Money is easy to earn and spend as well. But the reader is really hard to gain.

As an example, if you just want to make money from your blog, you won’t do much for your readers.

You will be always looking for adding to your income. In this way, you will only have a few months to lose all readers.

In fact, a popular blog, which is top of the industry can go down to the lower line by dint of this awful temptation.

Instead, if we can focus on building a better readership and give a low effort on earning, we can expect to earn all the way.

Though the earnings might be less, they will be consistent.  I think it’s better to earn day after day instead of just a single day.

Check: How to Make Your Blog Posts Attractive?

Money can’t make fame, but readers can

It’s the biggest truth, I have ever realized, money can’t buy you fame or make you famous. Instead, your readers can be your ultimate weapons for becoming successful, and famous.

Fame means popularity. That means, how much you are popular among the crowd, and how quickly people can identify you among the hundreds of people.

Growing readership means growing more people to know about you.

If we find amazing writing, we usually do take a look over the author’s profile to know who is a talented writer.

Same as, if you can entertain more visitors, they might become your most loyal blog readers.

That means, more people will show interest to know about the author’s profile. And that means more popularity.

On the other side, how much money you have, and how rich you are don’t matter for fame. But your deeds, and your efforts matter.

Well, you might be popular buying some bigger websites, but that doesn’t add any positive value.

If you can achieve fame with the hard work of your readers, you will surprisingly see some excellent consequences.


That was my personal thought about money and readership. Actually, I might have been gone very controversial. I wish you people would pardon me.

But if you ask for my personal opinion in a line, I would say “focus more on readership and less on monetization“.

Seriously, I monetize my blog too, but it doesn’t mean I should only care about it, not about readers. It’s way better to think about the readers and then the money-making possibilities.

What do you say, which one do you choose blogging for money or blogging for readership? Let us know your answer and the readers too in the comments!

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Jenny is a passionate blogger and writes for She graduated from Sainik school and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics. You can connect with her on Linkedin.

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