Many questions arise in the blogger’s mind while writing a blog post. One of them was how to write SEO friendly articles.
In this post, I will tell you everything that you should do for SEO in a better simpler, and more effective manner.
How to Write SEO Friendly Articles Easily?

Let us how you can write an SEO-friendly article easily for your blog post.
Choose the Right Title
Choosing the right title is the best way to write SEO friendly article.
First, you have to search for the topic that suits your niche perfectly.
After that, you have to select an effective title for that topic. So, what will your Post’s Title should be?
Here is the answer.
You should use an eye-catching and unique post title.
Your Post title should have your main keywords.
Don’t copy the titles from popular websites.
Keep your title unique and keyword-loaded. And one more thing, limit your title to 60 Characters.
Select the Right Keywords
Another great tip for writing SEO friendly article is to select the right keywords for the post.
You should aim at the keywords that are used by your targeted audience but don’t have many competing pages.
There are a lot of keyword tools that you can use for selecting low-competition keywords.
You can use the Google Adwords Keyword tool or UberSuggest. They are free to use.
You can also take ideas from your competitor’s page that appears on Google.
View the page source of your competitor’s website and check the keywords used by them.
Try to use long-tail keywords.
Long tail keywords have more importance than the others.
URL Structure
You can use your post title directly for the URL structure.
You can also edit the URL and use your own.
But again, you should add keywords to it. (The most commonly used permalink structure is –
Concentrate on the Content
Things to do while writing a post are :
First Paragraph
The first paragraph of your blog post should have all the keywords. Try to include your post title also.
Use Keywords
Using keywords correctly affects On-Page SEO a lot.
It is recommended to use a maximum of 3 different keywords. Your keyword’s density should not cross 4%, recommended 3%.
It means you should not use more than 3 or 4 keywords per 100 words.
It is said that Google bots crawl content from left to right. So, use the keywords on the left side of your article.
How to decorate keywords for better SEO?
It is not necessary to bold or italicize all the keywords that you have written in your article. It is enough to bold the keywords only once.
Let’s say you have used three different keywords, just decorate the keywords only once.
Use of Headings ( h1, h2, and h3 tags )
Heading plays an important role in the SEO of your blog post. You should use h1, h2, and h3 heading tags properly. Don’t forget to use the keywords in post headings.
Post Quality and Length
What should be the length of my Blog Post?
A lot of newbies asked this question.
Google recommends a minimum of 300 Words, and most bloggers recommend a minimum of 500 words but my answer is more words with quality writing = better On Page SEO.
You should write a post in a way that your visitors won’t be bored, they read till the last. Don’t write the post as an essay.
Use proper headings and try to write posts in points, explaining each point clearly.
Internal Linking
Linking posts internally is a good practice for On-Page SEO.
You can link your older posts to the article you are writing now. It also helps your visitors to read some more interesting stuff written by you.
External Links
If you are linking other websites to your post then it is recommended that you use the nofollow tag.
The nofollow tag tells Google not to follow that particular link.
You can use a plugin for adding a nofollow tag to all the external links.
You can also do it manually.
For example – <a href=”” target=”blank” rel=”nofollow”>text to link</a> .
Here rel=”nofollow” tells Google not to follow this link and target=” blank” opens the link in a new tab.
Images are very necessary for SEO.
You should give a proper title to your images. “Alt Tag” is the most important thing that you should take care of.
You should use your main keyword in the “ALT Tag” column while inserting the image in your post.
Use a minimum of 3 images if you have written a good lengthy article.
Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords
Meta Title – It is the title that appears in search engines.
Meta Description – The description of the post appears below the title in the search engine. Limit character length to 160.
Use Keywords in both Meta Title and Description.
Meta Keywords – Here you have to write your selected keywords.
Share Your Post
Last but not least. Share your blog post to famous social media websites and encourage your visitors to like and share the post.
More likes and shares = more chances to appear on the first page of Google.
Final Words
That’s all about the tips to write SEO friendly articles.
If you think anything missing or anything you want to add, you are welcome.
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