How To Take Your Blogging Decisions in 2025?

Do you take your blogging decisions in a hurry or cool mind? Check out this post and learn how to take your blogging decisions.

How To Take Your Blogging Decisions?

How To Take Your Blogging Decisions
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How To Take Your Blogging Decisions

For the next 5 minutes, forget everything! Take a deep breath. Now, read the following question carefully:

Imagine there are two railway tracks. There’s one track which is not used anymore and one that is regularly used. Some children are playing on the tracks. On the never used track, there is one child and on the other, 20. A train is coming and it’s upon you to decide which side it will go. You can either send it on the always used track and risk 20 lives or on never used track. What will you do?

You will save 20 children! Right?

Now, that’s a decision you took in a hurry.

Before taking the decision, did you think that one child who was playing alone on the never-used track was right?

He knew that the train would never come there and was playing there. But you saved 20 others, who were in the wrong!

And did you pay attention that there might have been some reason behind the “never used” track never being used?

There might be a dead-end ahead and you are risking the lives of hundreds of people!

That’s just an example of how hurried decisions can be wrong! What seems like a good decision for the short term may hurt you in the end!

How To Avoid Hurried Decisions

If you find yourself making decisions in a hurry and later feel sorry for them, here are some tips:

  1. Be Slow: Do not make a decision immediately if not necessary. Think about it and then carefully decide.
  2. Write: Write the consequences of a decision in a notebook and then analyze the pros and cons. I have done this many times with major decisions and this helped a lot.
  3. Ask A Friend: Nothing can help you like an extra brain! Asking a friend for feedback can bring up new ideas and help you make the decision wisely!

Check: Blogging Motivation: 9 Easy Steps to Get Started

And remember, these tips apply equally to other problems, just try them.

What do you do when faced with life (or blog) changing decisions? Do you wait or rush through? Do let me know through comments.

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Jenny is a passionate blogger and writes for She graduated from Sainik school and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics. You can connect with her on Linkedin.

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